Friday, September 23, 2011

Time for a Change

So I'm at work Googling "I hate my job." I don't hate my job. I quite like parts of my job. But I really really don't like parts of my job, and more to the point, I know it's a dead-end street- time to change streets, even if only to join a short street that connects me to some other street...that connects me to the highway I want to join eventually, which I won't know until I get there. Or maybe it's always a web of back roads....In any event-
Google "I hate my job" and you'll actually find oodles of useful perspectives on life, work, career, purpose, satisfaction- big stuff. By far the best I found was a little chestnut called The gal's name is Maren Kate and I find myself insanely jealous of what she has accomplished in just a year more than I have on the planet, and perhaps more so by what she AIMS to accomplish by 30. Her site and her posts remind me very much of the life changing book (that I need to re read to keep my life changed) "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz.
Finding a brand, finding a sound, being so you that no one else can mistake it for anything but....if I could just get my guitar gear settled so I can figure out that sound. In the words of "Ignore Everybody's" Hugh MacLeod- "The idea doesn't have to be big---it just has to be yours."
Happy trails...
the Gaucho Joshua Shelton

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